About Zara Harris, Occupational Therapist

Zara Harris

Zara Harris is an occupational therapist with more than 30 years experience. She is licensed in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Having worked with international schools on three different continents, she is in a unique position to understand the special needs of today's mobile families. Zara specializes in helping students (K — 12) struggling with handwriting, homework, attention, time management and organization.

Work Experience

  • Consultant Occupational Therapist, Paris, France 2008 to 2012
    In private practice providing service to Anglophone children with AD/HD and other school related problems at the Marymount School, the American School of Paris, the British School of Paris and others.
  • Consultant Occupational Therapist, Bethesda, MD, USA 2003 to 2008
    Part-time, private practice providing service to families, children and adults with AD/HD and related problems.
  • Consultant Occupational Therapist, Learning Assessment Neurocare Centre, Horsham, UK
    Providing Occupational Therapy evaluation, consultation and school visits as part of Specialist AD/HD Clinic in the UK commuting to the UK for two weeks every 3 months.
  • Occupational Therapist, The Lab School of Washington, Washington DC, USA
    Part-time member of a large team of occupational therapists providing holistic services to students attending this special education institute for students K-12 with Learning Disabilities and multiple comorbid conditions including ADHD.
  • Consultant OT, International School of Düsseldorf, Germany 1999-2003
  • Consultant OT, American International School of Johannesburg, South Africa 1995-1999
  • Consultant OT, International School of Prague, Czech Republic 1992-1995
  • Community Liaison Officer, American Embassy Prague 1993-1995
    As member of the Embassy administrative team: running an information office for Embassy family members, settling in newcomers; member of country team, housing, employment, community recreational association boards; liaising with schools, churches and local community; organizing cultural and community events including presidential and VIP visitor programs.
  • Consultant OT, St Andrew’s Scot’s School, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1990-1992
  • Manager of the AEDIN Day Centre for Neurologically Disabled Children, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1990-1992
    Non-paid work assisting a charity to start-up and run a new multi-disciplinary day centre for severely and profoundly handicapped children.
  • Occupational Therapist, Stephen Knolls School, Montgomery County School System, Maryland, USA 1988-1990
  • A variety of volunteer jobs and raising two children while living in Mexico City (1980-82), New York (1982-84) and Bern, Switzerland (1984-87)
  • Head Occupational Therapist, Maudsley Hospital, London UK 1978-1980
  • Senior Occupational Therapist, St. Francis’ Psychiatric Unit, Kings College Hospital, London UK 1975-1978