About Zara Harris, Occupational Therapist

Zara Harris

Zara Harris is an occupational therapist with more than 30 years experience. She is licensed in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Having worked with international schools on three different continents, she is in a unique position to understand the special needs of today's mobile families. Zara specializes in helping students (K — 12) struggling with handwriting, homework, attention, time management and organization.

Conference Presentations


  • Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference, Anaheim, CA, Feb 2014
    To Write or to Type?
  • 2013

  • Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference, San Antonio, TX, Feb 2013
    Differentiation for Dysgraphia (presented with Dina Vatcha, OT)
  • 2010

  • CHADD Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 2010
  • AOTA Conference, Orlando, Fl, April 2010
  • 2009

  • College of OT National Conference, Brighton, UK, June 2009
    Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) in Adults: Important new opportunities for Occupational Therapy
  • LDA National Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, February 2009
    Tackling Technology: College Bound with LD and Executive Function Challenges
    Making the Horse Thirsty: motivating teens with executive function challenges
  • 2008

  • CHADD Conference, Anaheim, CA, Novenber 2008
    Making the Horse Thirsty: Solutions for motivating and unlocking the potential in teens with executive function challenges
  • Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference, Chicago, February 2008
    Focus on Function – Executive Function: A Key Occupational Performance Challenge for Adolescents
  • 2007

  • AOTA National Conference, St. Louis, MO, April 2007
    Focus on Function – Executive Function: A Key Occupational Performance Challenge for Adolescents
  • Learning Disabilities Association of America, Pittsburg, PA, February 2007
    Sensory Strategies for High School Students with LD and AD/HD
  • 2006

  • Maryland Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Baltimore, MD November 2006
    Adult ADHD: An emerging field in Occupational Therapy
  • CHADD Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2006
    ADHD and DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder): The double whammy! How might occupational therapy help your student have more success in school and at home?
  • AOTA National Conference, Charlotte NC, April 2006
    Practice what you preach: 25 years in the U.S. Foreign Service or a lifetime of adaptation
  • 2005

  • CHADD Conference, Dallas, TX, October 2005
    After-High School Transition: Assessment and Intervention in a limited practice setting
    Adults with AD/HD at work and at home: strategies for greater success with everyday challenges
  • The College of Occupational Therapy Conference, Eastbourne UK, June 2005
    AD/HD in Adults: An emerging field of practice for Occupational Therapy
  • AOTA National Conference, Long Beach, CA, May 2005
    AD/HD in Adults: An opportunity for Occupational Therapy
  • 2004

  • CHADD Conference, Nashville, TN, 2004
    Adults with AD/HD in the workplace: From science to practice.
  • Sixth Annual International ADDIS Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2004
    “I can’t even read my own writing!” links with AD/HD, handwriting and other school related problems.
    Adults with AD/HD in the workplace: results from a recent British study and some suggestions for designing successful treatment strategies.
  • Sixth Annual International ADDIS Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2004
    Adults with AD/HD at work and at home: Strategies for greater success with everyday challenges
    The Double Whammy: ADHD and DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder) / Dyspraxia. Learn how to help your student have more success in school.
  • 2003

  • American Association of Occupational Therapy (AOTA) Conference, Washington DC, 2003
    AD/HD in Adults: An opportunity for Occupational Therapy
  • Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD) Conference, Denver CO, 2003
    “I can’t even read my own writing!” links with AD/HD, handwriting and other school related problems.
  • 2002

  • Conference on Adults with AD/HD, University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 2002
    Occupational therapy and Coaching as part of a multi-modal treatment plan for adults with AD/HD
  • Fifth Annual International ADDISS Conference, London 2002
    Adults with AD/HD at Work: Problems and Solutions
  • World Federation of Occupational therapy, Sweden 2002
    First World Ethics when working in the Third World
    Occupational Therapy in International Schools
  • 2001

  • Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder, Mole Conference, London 2001
    Adults at work